
The problems of the construction industry from the fragmented environment, overruns time and cost, waste in materials and others, concern for all workers in this field and still till now despite the progress of technology in the field of construction management.
Researchers believe that BIM is the key for all problems mentioned above, and more.
Many reads, analysed, wrote, and heard about BIM. But few understand what is Bim? How can benefit from it? This can create a barrier for those trying to adopt BIM.
Hence, our aim at bimarabia was to educate people and spread awareness of this technology in our Arab countries and the world, we started in Arabic language, and in order to reach the future full of BIM. To BIM or not to BIM is insufficient, the question is:
To be or not to be, an effective person in our fast BIM world.
Let’s see if we can do it together because that’s where we’re going to really unlock the value of BIM.
if there was a volunteer for translation to English or any other language, kindly contact us at :
BIM[email protected]

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