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  • Loi  Level of Information  مستوى التفاصيل في المعلومات

     وصف للمحتوى غير الرسومي لـ مكون النموذج خلال أطوار\ مراحل المشروع المختلفة. يتم استخدام مصطلح مستوى المعلومات (LOI) بالتبادل مع مستوى دقة المعلومات

الأدوات التي تستخدمها، بالتعاون، يجب أن تسمح لك ببناء الدقة المتزايدة من البيانات كما يمكنك اتخاذ المزيد من القرارات بشأن المشروع الخاص بك.

LOI: Level of Information

كمية المعلومات الغير رسومية non-graphical الموجودة بالتموذج

و تنقسم الي
Level 0 BIM,
Level 1 BIM,
Level 2 BIM,
Level 3 BIM.
حاليا بريطانيا متقدمة في البيم و لهذا ناخذ منها
لمعرفة الفرق في التفاصيل lod بين الكود الامريكي و البريطاني : 

UK convention US convention Description
LOD 1 Brief: a model communicating the performance requirements and site constraints. Building models would be block models only.
LOD 2 LOD 100 Concept: a conceptual or massing model intended for whole building studies including basic areas & volumes, orientation, cost.e.g. for an HVAC system, this might include block models of the plantroom locations and distribution risers.
LOD 3 LOD 200 A design development model, “generalized systems with approximate quantities, size, shape, location and orientation.”e.g. for an HVAC system, this would be more what the architect above expected: duct runs modelled to approximate routes, but at an accurate overall size to include maximum potential sizes without detail of flanges or accurate radii of bends.
LOD 4 LOD 300 Production, or pre-construction, “design intent” model representing the end of the design stages. Modelled elements are accurate and coordinated, suitable for cost estimation and regulatory compliance checks.This LOD would typically be a model suitable for production of traditional construction documents and shop drawings.
e.g. for an HVAC system, this is what the structural engineer was hoping for: accurate duct sizes & locations.
LOD 5 LOD 400 Installation: an accurate model of the construction requirements and specific building components, including specialist sub-contract geometry and data.This model would be considered to be suitable for fabrication and assembly. Architects or engineers would rarely produce objects at this level.
e.g. for an HVAC system, the cut lengths of duct runs, fixings; a CAM model.
LOD 6 LOD 500 An “as built” model showing the project as it has been constructed. The model and associated data is suitable for maintenance and operations of the facility.
LOD 7 Asset Information Model used for ongoing operations, maintenance and performance monitorin