biM iceberg

ال BIM يشبة جبل الجليد
كلنا نركز على البرنامج و الاوامر و هذا الزر ماذا يفعل ؟؟
و هو جزء لا يتجزء لكنه يمثل 5 % و نهمل المعايير القياسية و التحليل البيئي و ادارة المشروع بعد التسليم و التكامل مع الخرائط الجغرافية و gis
علينا ان نلتفت الي باقي الجبل الجليدي
  1. Define the Scope of BIM usages
    1. Developing 3D BIM Models.
    2. Coordination and Clash Detection.
    3. Quantities scheduling and takeoffs.
    4. Animations & Perspectives for presentation purposes.
    5. Time Scheduling simulation.
    6. Cost Estimation and simulation.
    7. Shop drawings / Fabrication.
    8. Facility managements.
  2. Selecting the Right BIM Software
    1. Choose the suitable authoring modeling software.
    2. Choose the coordination software. (Navisworks, etc…)
    3. Analysis software (Structure / Sustainability / etc..).
    4. BIM reviewing software. (Solibri, etc…)
    5. 4D / 5D software. (Vico, RIB, etc…)
    6. Documents Management System.
  3. Addressing IT Issues (Workstation / Network Infrastructure)
    1. Inspect current workstation / Network infrastructure.
    2. Make the necessary Hardware/Network recommendation.
    3. Deploy and setting up the BIM software.
    4. Deploy project coordination workspace and protocol for manage and share the BIM models.
    5. Deploy Document Management System.
  4. Modeling Software Training Courses (Using Sample Project)
    1. Beginners and Advanced Training.
    2. Families creation training.
    3. BIM management training.
    4. Up-skilling managers to understand BIM processes.
    5. BIM management: Workow and technology transitioning. Tailor and customize the training to meet the specic project or business needs enabling BIM in existing projects with minimum disruption.
  5. BIM Standards Developing
    1. Review the Current Drafting Standard and Drafting Process.
    2. Implement AIA Standards.
    3. Template Creation and Customization. Templates are essential to streamline project development at an early design stage in order to accelerate the Modeling process.
    4. Naming Conventions. Standardizing the naming of all the components of BIM modeling process
    5. Content Creation. Setting up the rules for creation quality content families that meet needs and standards
    6. Efficiency Workflow. Collaboration plan and modeling workflow on medium to large-scale projects, carefully studied and considered
    7. Export to CAD. Cover the extent of 2D drawings and schedules that can and cannot be derived from the BIM model (according to the readiness of the BIM technology)
    8. Define M3 ( Minimum Modeling Matrix).
    9. Define BIM Quality Assurance Checks. Through Modeling Validation, Interference Validation, forms and checklist.
    10. Define BIM Execution PlanBIM Execution Plan will define clearly the “what” and “how” to create a BIM model at a particular stage of a project. It should be clearly established at the beginning of a project, and then executed throughout until final delivery.
    11. Skill Assessment. To ensure that staff has the required skills to meet BIM modeling needs, and meet expectations.
  6. BIM Management Plan.
    1. The key to a successful BIM project is a concise BIM management. This will ensure Model quality expectations, roles and responsibilities.
  7. Pilot Project
    1. Use BIM in none priority project, low to medium complexity.
    2. Revisit the standards and make changes after the trial, if needed.
  8. Execute BIM
    1. Go live with real project in BIM, along with our team onsite.
    2. Setup Roles and Responsibilities for the team members
    3. Setup a process chart with roles, responsibilities, modeling schedule.
    4. Continuously monitor efficiency using monitoring tools. Increase the complexity as the efciency benchmarks are met at each level.
    5. Define KPIs (Key Performance Indicator ) at project, organization and employee levels.

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