BIMarabia English

BIMarabia is the first E-magazine intended to spread awareness of BIM tools and workflows across Arabic region. BIMarabia is written and edited by users, targeted to be beneficial to practitioners and researchers in the field. For more information, please go to

This is an English version of BIMarabia magazine, which is specialized in Building Information Modeling (BIM). We found that the construction industry need it. When we published the Arabic version, many readers ask us to translate it to English. Or any other language, Thus, we decided to translate it to English language.

If anyone wants to translate it to any other language or to join our team, please don’t hesitate to contact us :

[email protected]

Finally, i apologize for any mistakes, and thanks for Wonderful BIMarabia team, I’m honor to be one of them.

Omar Selim ,Sonia Ahmed ,Motasem Albanna